Level Sequence Keyframe Recall in Blueprint

Hello all, this is my first ever forum post so hopefully i’m posting in the correct area.

I am using Unreal for a virtual background of talent on a green screen. I am using three level sequences to move a camerarig rail: LevelSequenceA, LevelSequenceB, LevelSequenceC. The only variable I am keyframing is the ‘Current Position on Rail’. The value at the end of LevelSequenceA is the value at the beginning of LevelSequenceB, so on and so forth. This allows me to make one CameraRig Rail, then recall and play each level sequence as the actor gets to different parts of the script.

Right now, in order to setup a new shot I have to remember, or write down, the end and beginning keyframes and manually enter them into the next level sequence. It would be nice just to make my Level Sequences or edit them one at a time, and have a construction script that would read and replace keyframe values and timecode. I would like to add more variables like camera rotation, tracking T/F, etc.

I need to figure out a way to set/read custom variables in the construction blueprint.

This is only my first month in UE so maybe I have approached it from the wrong direction.

I have put all three LevelSequences into the environment and created variables in the ‘My Blueprint’ pane of my main Blueprint.
Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 1.45.05 PM

This is where I am at currently.
Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 1.45.46 PM

This is the Event Graph of that same blueprint.