We’ve encountered a bug that leads to a complete crash of your application (editor + build) and here’s how to reproduce it:
- Create a new level and save it
- Add a new level sequence to your level
- Add a new event track to your level sequence and add an event at a desired frame (for example: 50)
- Name the added event (for example: “SequencerEvent”)
- Save your level sequence and open your level blueprint
- Get a reference to your level sequence and play it on “BeginPlay”
- Add a new custom event which is named after the sequencer event (in this case: “SequencerEvent”)
- Put the execution pin of your custom event into a “SetPlaybackPosition” node and enter a valid time (for example: “0.1”)
- Save all
- Playtest
- Unreal will crash
- Add a “Delay” node with duration value “0” right after your custom event before you call “SetPlaybackPosition”. Unreal won’t crash in this case
I’ve attached some screenshots that show the different repro steps: