Level sequence detach problem

detach rules are not working as expectedVideo

The cylinder blueprint in your video also has a transform track. Thatā€™s still active when you scrub outside of the attach region. Try turning your transform track from an infinite section to a bounded one - right click on the track and look for Properties->Section Range. Click the unlock button and then youā€™ll need to trim it to where your attach section ends.

Unfortunately, you didnā€™t understand what the problem is.

I submitted a bug report about it but have not yet received any message.
it is a big OLD problem.

watch this video, please

Can you change your attach section to not ā€œKeep Stateā€ when finished? It should restore to the previous state, which is probably unattached.

please have a real test on this issue once for GOD SAKE yourself. when attach track ends it somehow must keep the current transform of the detached actor. none of the options you put there in settings do this job. for example, we want to attach the camera to a bone of a character and then detach it and continue with the camera transform but it wonā€™t happen. the camera jumps to world zero location. please test it. detach in sequencer is not working as it does in blueprints/c++ and if this is by design then having a track and naming it attach makes no sense AT ALL.



bump,still have this problem in 4.26.2release

first of all keep your cool. frustration is natural when you face problems but you are a professional :wink:

to solve this issue follow these steps:
If your cylinder and cube ARE NOT attached when sequencer is closed and you are attaching them in sequencer for first time:

  1. make sure your transform track is not inifinite do what @Max.Chen said in the other solution also make sure your transform track is set to ā€œkeep stateā€ when finished
  2. in your attach track set detach rules to keep world and set when finished to ā€œrestore stateā€ (using keep state on attach track basically just skips the detaching )

If your cylinder and cube ARE attached when sequencer is closed (for example if you attached them using world outliner or attach node in blueprint)

  1. make sure your transform track is not infinite do what @Max.Chen said in the other solution also make sure your transform track is set to ā€œkeep stateā€ when finished
  2. add a event track to your sequencer and add a event to call a detach node manually because if you set when finished on ā€œKeep Stateā€ on your attach track it will just skip detaching and if you set it as ā€œRestore Stateā€ it will restore it to state they were before sequencer started which in this case they will remain attached to each other (of course this will only be visible when your game is in play mode )

the reason for objects not detaching when you set when finished to keep state in attach track is that you are telling sequencer to ā€œKEEPā€ whatever you have done in this track in the same state even when you are finished so you told sequencer to attach objects and keep them that way. think of it like this when finished objects asks you do you want to undo what you have done here when finished or not? and sequencer treats detach as an undo to attach which you tell him No donā€™t undo my attach.

Jesus, I seriously hope that one day they get it together and fix the 5,000+ bugs associated with sequencerā€¦I mean seriouslyā€¦stop adding stuff to a broken system until you work out the bugsā€™ people.

Just an example of the annoying stuff.
Sequencer doesnā€™t refresh reliably. Sometimes you have to save it or move it back and forth a frame to get it to update.
Sequencer crashes Unreal while using Control Rig.
Sequencer has a hard time with rendering if the world location isnā€™t synchronized with the Sequencer location when it starts.
Attaching and detaching stuff is super janky and very unintuitiveā€¦
Using Control Rig with Sequencer can crash UE5 if you donā€™t extend Additive animations by one frame when using the Snapper Tool, because it shorts it one frame causing an overflow (Thatā€™s probably a bug in the Snapper Tool itself).

The List goes on and on and onā€¦it never stops.

Proof that in UE5 Sequence has a serious bug.

Here are the settings upon detachingā€¦

Here is proof that the barrel is still in Relative Space to the Planeā€¦not the World even though itā€™s obviously been detachedā€¦

This number and the one above would be the same were it the case that the location was now relative to the world (Bare with me and Iā€™ll prove it)ā€¦

Here is a particle effect in my Sequence that is actually relative to the world and not attached to anything at allā€¦

Notice how the two numbers are the sameā€¦

Sequencer has been around for a good whileā€¦there is absolutely no excuse whatsoever for neglecting it for so long.

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Hey. Have you managed to solve this issue? Now, even after choosing ā€˜preserve currentā€™ and changing the attach binding, the position still gets messed up. Itā€™s completely inconsistent with the straightforward results shown in online tutorial videos.

In 5.5 version detaching doesnā€™t work at all even with Preserve current, trimmed transform section and When finished set to Restore state. Cool challenge for enthusiastic developers but it would be nice to have this function working anyway.