Level Sequence / Animate custom character


Im sorry if this question is posted in the wrong section of the forum, im new to this and im not sure where to look/search.
I always wanted to make my own game (with 0 experience), recently i started learning how to model (using blender) and create a basic game (using UE5).
Now I have a problem where I created a character/animal in blender, I gave him bones and was able to animate her in blender and export those animations to UE5.
Now for the more specific movements I wanted to use the UE5 level sequencer to create animations/movements.
But when I create a sequencer > add the skeleton mesh to the sequencer > I dont get any controls / visible bones which I can move. the animal appears as a static mesh instead.

Can anyone tell me how the bones visible so i can move the individual body parts of my animal?

Very much appreciated!

Sorry I misunderstood, you need existing animations or control rigs to achieve what you’re trying to do. I suggest animating using Blender if you’re already using it to create your models

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Thank you,
Ill keep doing that, I also found a nice tutorial on setting up control rigs in UE5.
That helps a lot for ingame cinematics :slight_smile:

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Hey how everything’s going? I was answering another person’s post about sequences as well and it got me thinking, are you trying to create animations for your character such as walking, sprinting, jumping etc. that will be played on user input? We’ve already covered sequences but I remembered you said you were going to check out rigs, that’s not it’s purpose if I understood your goal correctly. You also can’t make those basic animations using control rigs. Maybe you already have something else in mind but I wanted to comment anyway hoping it would save you some time if that was your intention.

Hey there,
Basic animations like walking I make in blender,
The reason I want to check out control rigs is because of cinematic purposes in game.
I found a great tutorial on setting uup the rigs so that helps a lot.

Although im hitting a wall with some issue there, when I try to move my control rig for lets say the root… my character shoots away… moving the mouse a bit on the control rig shoots the character away a huge distance out of vision. so far I havn’t found a fix for that.

Okay then! And about the last thing you mentioned, I can’t really say much with so few information but I think you just wanted to update on your current situation right? I’m sure you’ll figure it out :blush: though if you’re stuck, you can explain what you’re trying to do in more detail and send some screenshots of what you’re dealing with.

Well yes so the problem im having now is the following;

  • I have been trying to make control rigs for my character so I can animate it within EU5 itself.
  • For creating the rigs I followed this video; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_vrn1n1Uq8
  • Around 20 minutes in the video the basic control rig of the root bone has been created.
  • The problem starts when I try to move this controller,if you watch the video at 19:00 you see him moving the rig and the location changes slightly (between 0 to 300 on the Z)
  • When I move my mouse/character like a miniscule bit, it shoots away to like over 6000 on the Z.

(i dont know how to add a screenshot to this message, but hopefully it makes sense what im saying)

I initially thought you had some IK bones and the offset was off or something but I see you mean the whole mesh. The first thing that comes to my mind is that it is actually small and your camera is just so close. Did you drag your model into the scene and see how big it is compared to the world? Can you try adjusting the scale under transform?

Also there are some UI settings at the top right of the editor window. There should be an option there to adjust the sensitivity of your cursor.

Though if it’s not one of those, it could be additional settings related to the rig you’ve set. You see the mesh is not fixed to that root you’ve mentioned. It moves proportionally and there might be a multiplier somewhere in the settings or the blueprints which is more likely. Unfortunately I won’t be able to tell what exactly to adjust since I’m not on my PC right now. But I will investigate once I’m back!


I got it! Just set the space selection on the “get transform - control” node to local space

So this is what I currently have;
The first image is a size comparison of my mesh (cow) compared the the UE5 mannequin (sorry for its goofyness xD)

Next picture is where I’ve made the rig for the rootbone,
Which when moving it should move my lovely cow…

(see reply 2 for the last picture)

yeah change that to local space from global

And in the last picture you see what happends if i move the mesh like 1 small tick with the rig, it shoots away into the distance… and on the Y axis like -760… which should only move it like 1 or 2 instead of 760

Hopefully you see what I mean, im at a loss on why this is happening :frowning:
Also sorry for the mesh quality, its my first 3d model ever haha.

I think we both have sent our messages at the same time :rofl: so does it get solved when you change that global setting to local like i said?

The forum wont allow me to share another message with a link/picture now…
But when I set it to local space, it shrinks to antman size and the mesh dissapears and becomes a mess with only lines… though the shadow still says its the cow…

Very interesting… I actually managed to reproduce the exact issue and fixed by changing that to local space. And yeah I also see that, it has flagged your previous posts as well. What did you even try to send man? :rofl: Maybe try opening a new topic, if it doesn’t allow I can open and you can send what happens when you do that from there

Haha just a picture of the issue lol, Might be because ive send multiple links with pictures :stuck_out_tongue:

If i set the “get controll” to local space, it becomes somekind of dust ball from a wild west movie lol. though that was not the result i was hoping for xD

I see. Well, it’s hard for me to move on since I did everything you did exactly and even managed to encounter the same issue. Maybe that was just a fix for my specific model, but the result you’re describing is so unexpected, like how?? Can you try doing that with another mesh?

We found 2/3 of the issue now!
1/3 was the local space you said,
1/3 seemed that my rootscale was x100, i re exported it from blender with some changed settings, now it stays the correct size.
The last issue is that when I move the rig, its not moving at the same speed as the mesh (cow).

Although its moving slow and steady now, the rig circle moves a bit faster than my mesh, so they slowly create distance from eachother :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re almost there! thankyou

That’s also the case in the video you provided. So it’s not an issue

Well in the video there was an extre “bone” called skeleton,
I dont have that extra bone (wich he deletes), but I can try to connect the rig to the hip instead to see if that fixies it