Level rename destroyed it…

I changed my level name from untitled to something else (in unreal editor) after doing this , the level is not showing anything, it shows as empty level with no assets , nothing helped , even copying an auto saved map from the day before resulted with an empty level in the editor , I am out of ideas how to recover the level :frowning:

Hey @edenza!

Have you fixed redirectors? Open your content browser and right click “Content” then “Fix up Redirectors”. Then restart UE. If that doesn’t work…
Have you tried renaming it back to the original name?

Hi, Yes, I tried renaming back with not success, I’ve also tried to fix redirectors, the action completes after less then a second and nothing happens… still black level with nothing on the Outliner

If the file is still in your Windows Explorer folder (not UE), and looks like the file size has data, you could try opening it in another project.

Renaming Levels in UE5 (5.0 through 5.3) will almost certainly ruin the Level.

Especially if the Level is using OFPA “Use External Actors” in the World Settings.
If you look in the ExternalActors folder for the map names you will see all of the references to the actors used in the map, this information doesn’t seem to carry across correctly in a Level editor rename.

Perhaps someone else knows of a method that can be used that is safe, but from my experience, simply performing a Level Rename in the Editor ruins the Level.
As soon as you do a FixupRedirects, the Level actors will be partially or all wrecked, and the Level will no longer play correctly any more.
Usually some/all of the Actors will disappear from the Level, and it may go black.

This is why Project Backups are necessary.
You can go to a backup of the Project, open the Level, select and copy all Actors, and paste them into a new blank level with the actual New Level Name that you want.
Note that some Actors may not always move across on the first copy/paste, like certain Volumes, and they must be copied and pasted individually.

I would just leave the old Levels in the Project, and simply exclude them from the Packaged Levels list.

There is a commandlet for renaming World Partition Levels, but I haven’t tested this on non-WP Levels. So use at your own risk, and do not use on a production Project.

UnrealEditor.exe <full_path_to_project_name> -run=WorldPartitionRenameCommandlet -AllowCommandletRendering -oldmap=<old_map_name> -newmap=<full_path_to_new_map_name>

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For everyone who like me ■■■■■■ up their levels in UE5.X because We were thinking renaming levels and project names is a good idea… It’s not.

To fix,

  1. Make a copy of Your Project File.

  2. Go into “PROJECT NAME”\Saved\Autosaves\Game and copy everything in this folder into your project content folder: “PROJECT NAME”\Content, overrite all the files.

  3. Open Your project and right click in content broweser on the ‘Content’ folder > Fix up redirectors.

  4. File > Open level. Here open Your latest autosave that’s usually done in unreal every 15minutes.

  5. Heart attack prevented. :]


To follow on, I found a slightly different process that also works:

  1. Go to “PROJECT”\saved\autosaves\game and copy the most recent autosave (.umap extension) that you have

  2. Paste it in the “Project”\content folder

  3. Still in file explorer, right click and manually open the autosave with Unreal Engine

  4. The project will launch, and you should be able to select the autosave as a level

In the future, if you want to rename something (ANYTHING) in UE5, ALWAYS choose “save file as…” and save a new file with you desired name. You can keep or delete the file with the old name.