Is there a game engine like Level Editor and Build a Big City (Map/Town) on iOS, I have a very old iMac like (Early 2008) and i have a AMD Radeon 2600 Pro, and I got a newest iPod touch 6Gen which is compatible for Unreal Engine, I don’t want to publish a game like Xcode and stuff like that but, and it’s takes a hard work to publish a game (Develop) like that, Will it affect my iPod Touch
Well, UE4 is a Game Engine. (To make games of any kind really. But I don’t know any game engine that runs on IOS as the editor itself. You will need a MAC or PC.)
But sadly will not run on that MAC you have. You would need to upgrade your mac Or go get a PC. (Which has better support and is usually faster for things like this.)
Well, I really don’t think it will affect any other apple devices unless you put stuff on it and do things on there.
If you get a better computer and still want UE4. Start here Häufig gestellte Fragen - Unreal Engine
hit up the tutorials that Epic has. And don’t be afraid to ask for help!