[Level Editor] Lock actors so that clicking does not select them

This exists at least and it’s working for me AActor::IsSelectable | Unreal Engine Documentation
So if nothing else exists you can make custom actors in c++ that override this and returns false.

Can’t believe none of the level designers at Epic haven’t demanded this. It’s driving me nuts.


It is march 2020 and this is still an issue

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This is actually supported by the engine;

  1. Create a new sub level
  2. Add actors to that sub level
  3. Click the lock button in the levels dockable
  4. ???
  5. PROFIT, you aren’t able to select the actors anymore


I requested the same feature roughly 5 years ago.


I dont think it will go anywhere…

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All that is needed is an actor boolean…
defaults to true, when false cannot be selected from the viewport by clicking or band selecting. So some new behavior then is required in the OnClick() and OnBandSelect() (or the proper named equivalents) functions for the editor. After setting this value, the actor would need to be selected from the World Outliner, setting it to true again would make it selecteable from the viewport again.


[USER=“1055164”]epıc games[/USER]


Some big tall scary guy who works at Epic, please notice this and stand over the bigheads until they implement this feature. Thanks.


This was in UE3, come on, please add this, it shouldn’t take any time at all to implement.

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Hummm not keen on the idea of adding asset management options to the assets in world detail.


Now that UE4 support object layers that would be the place to add locks. Most apps will have visibility, selectivity, and transform lock

More “stuff” in the details, more so if a management option, just makes for more things to look for when things don’t work as expected

what’s even the point? no one reads this… maybe unreal slackers on discord might know…

ridiculous…no lock, no freezy…

And what? Whoever asked a question expected a simple answer and not this ‘show’ of things that have nothing to do with the initial question. You talk about ‘layers’, but where is there any option in ‘layers’ to prevent something from moving or being selectable on the map / scene? It doesn’t exist, you just ignored the question to speak or write any nonsense here … at least try to help!

Wonder if there is technical reasoning behind this? That is Epic not adding this feature.
I keep accidently selecting the skylight.

Yet another +1 on this.

Nearly every 2d or 3d application on the planet has a feature like this. (Max, maya, PS, AE, Premier just to name a few).

Come on Epic, get with the program.

Hi folks, I just wanted to throw in an update. I have raised this with the team to shed some light on the status of this feature request and passed on feedback so that we can better help and provide more transparency on feature requests in the future. Thanks, everyone!


Aaaaand… yet another +1 for being able of locking single items and/or folders in the world outliner, along with layers. Funny enough, I spent half an hour tinkering with the editor to find the feature, just giving for granted it would have been there! Then found this thread and realized how harsh reality can be :slight_smile:

Cmon guys! CryEngine allows freezing selected objects. It is an invaluable feature, we use it all the time during levels development.
Please make it possible in UE4. Piece!

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also +1 from my end! :slight_smile: had that wish the last few days and happy to see others ask for it aswell.


This is probably going to require a new RF_ object flag, like the existing “RF_Transactional”, so it’s not so simple to implement this thing and making sure it doesn’t corrupt other parts of the engine.

So what? Will it never be implemented?

Sad to see this not implemented after 7 years of the requests.