Level Designer(s) wanted to create VR-ready environments from pre-established assets

Dear Unreal community,

OneBonsai is looking for level designers. The job is to use pre-established assets (walls, decoration props, etc…) and assemble them in believable, good looking, good feeling levels for a Virtual Reality experience.

There are about 40 different levels of 12m x 6m to create. All ground plans of the levels will be provided. All assets are provided. These assets will be provided by our 3D artists internal in OneBonsai.

In each of these levels : collisions must be properly set ; navmesh must be properly set ; level streaming must be properly set ; gameplay elements must be placed ; shading must be on point ; performance must be VR-ready ; scaling must be 1 to 1.

You have to agree with signing a strict Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA). This NDA will prevent you from showcasing this work in your own portfolio.

Individual freelancers, teams or studios are welcome. You must have a VAT number.

If interested, please send me your portfolio and contact details (please include your discord name) to the email address jobs@onebonsai.com.
Please add the prefix "OBTAC - Level Designer - " before the title of your email. This helps us routing your application to the right person. If you don’t add this prefix to your email title, your email will not reach me.

Thanks a lot in advance for your interest, have a great day !
– Dimitri Pirnay
for OneBonsai.com

Hey Dimitry, this sounds right up our alley, we’ve been doing Training sims since 2010 using Unreal tech and have been developing with UE4 and VR since 2015 or so. There’s very little that excites us more than being able to use technology to make a positive impact on the world so I would love to put the teams experience and passion to work on whatever you guys need. I’ll reach out via email right now and in the meantime please head over to www.ironbellystudios.com
