Transitioning from Creative into UEFN control, I found that there is no hotkey that allows for movement in screen space (can still do it, but the gizmo is very small and hard to select at times).
Similar to Blender (key G), would love if UEFN had functionality that if you pressed a specific key it would allow you to move in scene space
In addition, the ability to rotate and scale while being in this movement mode would make it faster than the Blender equivalent (not rotate in screen tangent as Blender, this is not useful for us, the rotation would preserve the local/global setting we have selected).
This would speed up the process of free-form level design and allows to sculpt easily and create foliage-related builds as fast as Creative (which uses the same system with the exception of rotation/scaling that I mentioned above - in this case, you would rotate and scale while being able to move without switching modes, like pressing Q and E would rotate the object, Z and X would scale uniformly, Shift would change rotation axis).