Level Design - Confusion after gravity destroyed prefab

As seen in the video attached, I was building in both workflows when the prefab I placed was destroyed due to having no support. This confused me a lot and I had to replace the prefab 4 times until I realized what was happening. Not sure what’s the take on this as this is intended behavior, but a better tell from within the editor that something has no support would be great. My guess is that the reason this happened was also being inside Fortnite, so this may prove to be an issue for a creator that builds something with no support, only for it to be deleted once he syncs with the game. What is also interesting as well, is that it also deleted the player spawns that were placed on the prefab (pirate ship) which is something that doesn’t usually happen inside Creative (only props/construction are affected when lack of support deletes things).

Video: Microsoft OneDrive - Access files anywhere. Create docs with free Office Online.