Level change not working?

Hey guys. I’m not sure if I posted this in the right section, so please let me know if I didn’t. So, I’m trying to use a blueprint to change the level. I’ve got a map named WH, and I’ve got a box trigger. I created an event for the box trigger in the level blueprints, and added the open level node thing. I set the name for the world to open as ‘WH’ (without the 's of course), as that’s the name of the level I’m trying to change to, and compiled and saved. When I walk into the trigger in-game, it freezes for a second, as if it’s trying to load the level, then teleports me back to the start of the level I was trying to change FROM. Basically, it just seems to be resetting me or reloading the same level. Any idea why? Thanks!


You receive any errors from the editor right after you’ve entered the trigger and you stop playing?

Edit: Also can we see your blueprints too from where you try to open the next level?

There’s the blueprint. As for the errors, no there are none. If it makes any difference, you’ll see that in the picture I had not compiled the blueprint. I just did that, and it’s still not working.

EDIT: Nevermind. It’s working now! Thanks!!

Could you post the solution to your problem so we can all share knowledge?

I deleted the nodes, put them back, and compiled again. Not sure why it didn’t work the first time.