Level Blueprint changing boolean variables by self


Im having a big headache with this problem.

The boolean variable is changing infinite times the value from true to false and then from false to true doing only one time click with the left button of the mouse. I search in all sides and I dont have the same variable setting another value so we can forget that posible solution because is not.

Please see the video to understand for best way.

See those gaps between the Prints? That’s you printing empty strings on Tick. Just sayin’…

Open a new, empty project and do the same - see that it works fine.

It’s not a bug. You’re just printing things elsewhere. It’s hard to understand what is going on and what the goal is.

What exactly are you trying to do?

I am not printing more things elsewhere. You can see in the video the problem. the variable changes to false and true without more code.

the gaps are ok. there aren´t empty strings. If you see the video another time you can see you are viewing the game window is not scaled to the screen. So thats why you see gaps but is the normal gap if I scale the window to my screen. The problem is another, not that.

Not sure what you expect from us. Somewhere there in your script you’re doing something strange or you’re reading the result incorrectly. What you claim to be a bug is just this:

Image from Gyazo

And it does work fine. You may have a bug, but it’s your bug, not an engine bug.

The problem is another, not that.

Place your script into an empty project and you’ll see that it works fine. Perhaps this will convince you; then you can start looking for the real culprit.

Good luck.

not is my bug, it is the level blueprint. If I put the same exactly in my person character works fine. When I use the same nodes code in the level blueprint the booleans changes from true to false and then from false to true. I know is a crash in the project and I know If I do another level with the same code in the level blueprint Ill have not problem.

Im posting this to show than I have all good in nodes. Its impossible change all time value of the boolean If i dont doing click in Click Input. The node even tick is not sending that signal and I haven´t more blueprints calling or seting that boolean.

If I put another boolean create in the same level blueprint it happens the same with that boolean.

Remove ALL tick. Print on click - see what it says. Try it exactly like this:

You should see 1 message that lasts 1 seconds. If you do not, you have something else that is confusing things.

Atm, you’re spamming latent system with delays, who knows what else is going on. This is not how you debug things… The messages print true / false / empty string (c’mon, clearly!). How can you even know where those messages are coming from since you’re not putting any identifier and you have Delay on Tick :expressionless: