I am trying to find a way to know when the level is loaded after a seamless servertravel.
Since OnPostLogin will not be called (no actual disconnection) I thought that the BeginPlay of the level was a nobrainer.
This is my issue : The Event BeginPlay of the Level Blueprint is not executed on client but is executed on the authority WHEN I do a servertravel. But if I start in editor directly in the map (and don’t use my lobby system) it works.
Okey, it is not executed on the clients.
You need to check on each tick on the clients if they finished loading the map by check if there controller is a local controller (means it has been possessed).
BeginPlay should be called on level blueprints for both clients and server. I had this behaviour (BeginPlay only running on server) on non-seamless travel, and it ended up being my error. I forgot to call Super::HandleMatchIsWaitingToStart() when I overrode it in my AGameState subclass.