So im making a house with multiple rooms each with a switch to turn the light on, I made a simple light switch to toggle lights in a room I made it all in the level blueprint(see picture)
and it works ok with one single light but the moment i add multiple trigger volumes for each room of the house the level blueprint turns them all on/off and instead of just one yes im using different ligth references for each trigger volume
Im sure the problem is the target being the “pointlightcomponent” instead of the “pointlight” , in this example A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums they use the point light as target but it doesnt give me the option it automatically places the node converting pointlight into pointlightcomponent
The reason is because Enable/Disable Input nodes will simply tell this blueprint to start listening for player input. There is a complicated way to do this in the Level Blueprint using branches, I’m sure, but that seems like a lot of work! And a lot of variables and collision boxes to keep track of.
The simplest way is to create a Blueprint Actor class BP_LightSwitch that functions basically the same, then you can drag instances of this BP_LightSwitch into the level as you need them. The trick is, the light/lights themselves are not always going to need to be in the same position. There are a couple ways to handle this as well, such as creating a secondary Blueprint Actor class for the lights themselves and communicating between the two types of blueprints. Or you can create different versions of the LightSwitch to suit each room, which is probably the most efficient way, and place your lights by hand for each version. Or if you’ve got some experience with the construction script, there are ways to set it up so you can place your lights in custom positions that way too.
Edit: I don’t think the issue is necessarily the point light component conversion, although I suspect that could be cleaned up if you want by dragging a pin from the point light reference and placing a Toggle Visibility node directly off of the reference. This also leads me to another point of cleanup: you only need one Toggle Visibility in the scenario of your picture and don’t need the Flip-Flop node. The toggle flips on/off itself every other time you use it. The Flip-Flop would be useful if you were setting the visibility on and off directly.