letter box when camera lock in viewport?

When lock a camera to viewport, it’s hard to frame the shot because I don’t get black letter box to crop what the camera actually sees, like matinee preview does. Any way to make it like matinee camera preview?

Hi Pinepanda,

You can enable the aspect ratio of the camera in the camera settings.

Look for Aspect Ratio then check the Constrain Aspect Ratio and set it accordingly to the value you would like.


Thank you!


Constraining aspect ratio is checked by default and still doesn’t give letter box or constrain aspect on the viewport window when locked to actor. So I cannot preview the cropping of the camera. Screenshot tool also does not crop to aspect ratio.

Letterbox started coming up on camera lock while I was fidgeting with viewport setting and adding matinee to preview, not sure which one did it. Thank you for the help, Tim.

Hi Pinepanda,

I just checked our feature request and found this has been enabled in our latest internal build. This will make be available soon in a future update.

Thank you!
