am sure we gonna have some really nice trees in Unreal Engine using speed tree
Also this - SpeedTree Cinema 8: Leaf Mesh Cutout Tool - YouTube
I can’t wait for 8!
Though it depends if those features extends to support in UE4, since that’s listed as Speedtree Cinema which is not the game software.
Yeah as darthviper said that’s SpeedTree Cinema, mainly for pre-rendered stuff. You can technically import the models in UE4 as fbx or obj file but I wouldn’t expect a flawless workflow based on that.
If you want to have a better idea about what ST8 for UE4 is going to be I think you should take a look at UE4 for Lumberyard:
It would be fine to have at least a few “Cinema” features available for UE4 Speedtree.
As mentioned above the way of creating the leaves is super fast with Cinema.
Also the way of moving the branches,roots etc is way more better.
When will be latest version updated for UE? Does anyone know? I’d like to utilize those features Lumberyard currently uses. I think it would boost rendering in UE as well. Anyone corporate can chime in to enlighten us?
Speedtree 8 support was commited to the branch a couple of weeks ago, so hopefully it made the cut for the upcoming 4.19 release!
It’s not even out yet lol
SpeedTree 8 will come with UE4 4.19, they said it on twitter
SpeedTree 8 for UE4.19 – SpeedTree
They posted the article above on the 13th, saying it would come out the following week, obviously, 4.19 didn’t come out this week so when is it coming?
Beta is available!!
Hey guys, have anyone had any success importing anything into Unreal yet? When i export i get a new format called *.st but Unreal can’t open it and neither can the old compiler from 7. The documentation is as sparse as my tree less-scene…
You need to use version 4.19 of UE4.
Unreal unbe-leaf-able trees.