Not just one.
Hello, i just joined you guys
Looking to be someone’s UE4 apprentices or learn with someone kinda new to this
Setting up Rocket.Chat was amazingly fast. Git clone then 1 command did the trick, thanks to Meteor I suppose. I would like to see them drop CoffeeScript and move to ES6 though.
Wow… the Room after i attempted to help, for something i thought i knew turned into a trolling session for im guessing Professionals of UE4… sad days for my first meet and greet
email me if you want basics…
or anything… maybe we can trade work loads
i don’t know what button have i press on, but can you help me with this? my mesh are all black
I installed unreal engine. When I run that, it is showing segmentation fault. Can you please tell me what may the error.
Thank you
hi. using a screen reader jaws for windows from and doing a interactive gaming design course from, downloaded the unreal engine education 4 from my course page link, subject, and now, the installer windows installer starts. then the direct ex installer starts, do uac, and press y or alt y for yes, then the installer goes to a weird console installer and have to use my ocr screen reader function, and then asks me to login, and i cannot seem to login, but i can do it from the site. is there a more accessible installer. or has any one run into the same issue. as cannot see and use the keyboard. a screen reader is a piece of software, which converts images and graphics and the windows os to synthetic speech and also have more sounding human voices, from nuance technologies, and using the voaliser ocaliser kate english voice. about 20 or 30 english voices, and you can download a 40 minute demo. so, any one able to help, or a more accessible way, did e-mail support, but they cannot seem to help and still investigating and from australia. did try to find the unreal engine for australia, but could not seem to find it. so, pity they don’t have live chat, where some one could remote into my machine. here with my mom, and she is not tech savy, so no sighted help around. she does not understand this type of advanced stuff. any ideas. thanks.
Hi @StarTrekCafe , I know Allar did another launcher, but that was a couple of years ago. If that was purely HTML, then I may be able to re-purpose it for you, if he can dig it out.
Keep me informed of how you get on. I work in Web Accessibility in the UK, so this is very much my sort of thing.
hi, jst want fr sayde, if u wnt, jst click link, view, and read the description frm the video posted… well, so many little children are very excited abt “Agent ali” the movie things at the place and media social posted by others, so jst sample code…
execuse me sir, may i knw, whre’s the birthday input, try fr save profile, but fail
It’s still up to date, but they have some kind of nickname registration requirement now.