So I got this error of the code from the lesson 9. I´m pasting it literally and I am not understanding what is missing. It says it doesn´t have expressions yet, if I copy-paste the programs from the previous lessons everything works smooth. Do you know what I´m missing?
I don´t know how to make the code screen smaller to paste the whole thing but I am literally pasting the whole lesson 9 practice time code.
It looks like there is an issue in the example with the indentation. Here’s the snippet with type errors fixed:
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
hello_world_device := class(creative_device):
# Runs when the device is started in a running game
Playspace:fort_playspace = GetPlayspace()
AllPlayers:[]player = Playspace.GetPlayers()
var FirstPosition:transform = transform{}
var SecondPosition:transform = transform{}
Player:player = AllPlayers[0]
FortniteCharacter:fort_character = Player.GetFortCharacter[]
set FirstPosition = FortniteCharacter.GetTransform()
Print("Move or prepare to take damage!")
Player : player = AllPlayers[0]
FortniteCharacter : fort_character = Player.GetFortCharacter[]
set SecondPosition = FortniteCharacter.GetTransform()
DistanceBetweenPositions: float = DistanceXY(FirstPosition.Translation, SecondPosition.Translation)
DistanceBetweenPositions < 10000.0
Print("Distance Moved: {DistanceBetweenPositions}")
Print("Applying Damage")
# Functions From Previous Lessons
HurtPlayer(DamageAmount : float):void=
Playspace: fort_playspace = GetPlayspace()
AllPlayers: []player = Playspace.GetPlayers()
if (Player : player = AllPlayers[0]):
if (FortniteCharacter : fort_character = Player.GetFortCharacter[]):
MyCharacterHealth : float = FortniteCharacter.GetHealth()
DamageToDo : float = CalculateDamage(MyCharacterHealth, DamageAmount, 1.0)
Print("Damage To Do: {DamageToDo}")
CalculateDamage(PlayerHealth:float, DesiredDamageAmount:float, MinHealth:float):float =
# If the damage amount would not eliminate the player, do that amount of damage
if (PlayerHealth > DesiredDamageAmount):
return DesiredDamageAmount
else if (PlayerHealth > MinHealth):
# Give player one more chance if their health is low
return PlayerHealth - MinHealth
# Eliminate player
return PlayerHealth