Ok, so the title is confusing, but it was the only way to describe what I am experiencing.
I have a function that loops itself and increments an “alpha” value to move and rotate an object smoothly into place. The loop part isn’t the issue… it’s the fact that the lerps both complete when the alpha value is no where near 1. In the screenshot, you can see the value of the alpha that is being fed directly to the alpha node on the lerps, and to the print string. The next screenshot is the area where everything works to increment the alpha, nothing fancy.
It seems like the rotation and movement is completing really really early. Am I missing something? I was to understand that the lerp should work between the 2 sets of values, like a slider between 0 and 1… but its acting more like 0 and 0.05
NEVERMIND, it was the transform and rotations that I was feeding it. They were being updated on every tick and causing things to act incorrectly. I set a fixed start and end location, and now it’s working fine.