So I have a value that is going from 0 to 1 at a varying rate, and I’d like to have a timeline play through with the 0 to 1 acting like the alpha in a regular linear interpolation. i know that timelines play at a set rate of time, so maybe I’m looking for another node, but a regular lerp only has two end points, and I want to be able to move to one or move points in vector space, then back to the beginning like in a timeline, but i want the beginning and end to be defined by my 0 to 1 that I’m casting to and receiving from another blueprint.
If i’m understanding correctly, you’re probably looking for a lerp(vector) node. you can power this from the timeline 0-1 float your talking about.
that still only goes from point a to b. i want to go from point a to b to c, then back to a. like in a timeline, but insead of a a set period of time I’d like to smoothly blend through it.
Gotcha, in that case I recommend a spline component that you use points and point input keys. You can create them linearly and then reference the position between them using a standard timeline (mine goes from 0-2 over 2 seconds).
so a spline with an input key definitely seems like what I’m looking for. Now i’m having trouble because I’m not using a traditional timeline. i’m reading a variable from virtual dj that goes from 0 to 1 every 4 beats. I’m trying to figure out how a closed loop might help but i’m still getting jumpy results. Thanks for the help so far. I’m not going from 0 to 1, then back down to 0. I’m going immediately from being 1 to being 0 again.