lego leocad ldraw

hey guys this screen is half off the page on 1920x 1080 but I just found this and I was hoping to get some lego leocad bricks some of them have two faces depending who made them but digital legos as part of a lego startercontent option would be epic, srry if I mistype something I can barely read this window atm but the leocad move transform gizmo is awesome check it out if just needs a scale tool too option in the gizmo but it has handles for rotate it’s genius really! it saves you from having to mouse across the interface to switch the tool no hotkey either, I’ve used blender max uh the one from redshift and I love the leo cad way! the other thing is the bricks arent uniform so they have a split snap grid where x and y are uniform but you can decouple the z snap for the rectangular bricks also I was thinking if it was like a procedural lego where you could go ok I want a 3x1 brick thing or a 4x4 that could potentially be a simple var on an instance of a brick so let’s say I’m building a house but the roof piece needed to be 21 bricks instead of 20 I could get it to fit and I wouldn’t have to stress about ocds =/ and if the legos had stickers for textures where the bricks were autouv’d that would save alot of stress and the kids could just paint and have fun. art is a challeng in computers with ptsd. I’ve almost finished one thing in the past 20 years and my computer died. but yeah log in everyday. also into the breach is awesome lo =) but that’s stress too it feels real to me sryr if I rambled