LEGO® Action Adventure Template for UEFN!

We’re excited today to bring you the LEGO® Action Adventure Template for UEFN!

Watch our full overview video here!!

The template features three adventure-style character classes: the Warrior :crossed_swords: the Blaster :gun: and the Thief! :loudspeaker: . Each class includes a demo level linked to a quest system, showing you how to incorporate story-driven elements into your games or build distinct character classes.

3 character classes, the warrior - the blaster - the thief.

For the first time, LEGO® Studs are officially available as a collectible item in LEGO islands. You can find the new LEGO® Collectible Device inside of All > LEGO® Content > Devices

These devices can be dropped into your levels as a collectible or used with the item spawner and our new LEGOModule_StudRewards system!

LEGO Collectible Device in all four colors.

The new LEGO_quest_giver_device lets you set up quests with rewards in your LEGO Islands!! These can be individual quests, chains of quests, or a repeating quest.

Here’s some quick tips!

  • Uncheck visible in game :white_square_button:
  • Name your Quest Giver, and have a button behind the NPC for interaction!
  • You’ll need 1 tracker to send players to the quest giver and 1 to track the quest status
  • Use the Quest array to add new quests. :heavy_plus_sign: Make sure you fill out all the text! :notepad_spiral:
  • Each quest has EventBindings that you can use :zap:
    • When the quest starts
    • When it is completed
    • When it is aborted


The new LEGO_stud_pooling_device is how you’ll grant batches of studs to players when they complete a quest!! You’ll find this in the LEGOModule_StudRewards folder.

For the pool :person_swimming: to work you’ll need to have:

  • As many item spawners as studs you’ll spawn at once (if your reward total is 15, you’ll need 15 item spawners)
  • A lego_stud_pool device with a verse markup tag set to lego_stud_pool_tag
  • Each item spawner must be set to a tag :label: that matches the Initial Movement of Item field on the Item Spawner.
    • toss_tag if set to toss
    • gravity_tag if set to gravity

      Waves of LEGO studs spawning

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