Legion: The Eternal War

Legion: The Eternal War
Recruitment Post
Nexus Division

In this PvP-centric MMORPG, players create their characters, join an alliance, and go to battle in a competitive environment. The fantasy world is wholly original, custom-made, and ready to transport PC gamers to a realm of magic and legend. Enjoy moving stories, rewarding progression systems, and nail-biting tension as the game unfolds.

Development Stage:
While many assets have been purchased and polished, Legion is still in its alpha stage. However, a demo is currently up and running, and Legion is already connected to steam, ready to polish and publish.

Team Members
Project Manager: Cody
Blueprints Programmer Position Open
Lead C++ Programmer: Henry
Secondary C++ Programmer: Mark (Seeking Additional)
3D Character Artist: Mark Wowk (Seeking Additional)
3D Artist/Concept Artist: Ricardo, Mason (Seeking Additional)
Concept Artist: Majdf (Seeking Additional)
Sound/Music Programmer: John
Music Composer: Ryan
Animator: Arti (Seeking Additional)
Story Writer: Travis
Level Designer: Erica & Alex

Open Positions:
Currently looking to hire a animator with rigging experience, 3D/2D Lead Artist, Environmental Artist, 3D Modeller , Character Artist, , Programmer and a Particle Effects creator/After Effects/Photoshop. BluePrints Programmers

Although we encourage anyone with game development interest to email a cover letter with
supporting references about work or experience. We will consider accepting anyone whos looking to expand there experience and join a awesome group! We may also train the right candidates.

Recommended Qualifications:
We are searching for team members that are experienced in their field, motivated to work, and dedicated to their contributions to the project. Communication is key; all team members must be fully prepared to deliver regular progress updates and receive any important instructions from the project manager. To maintain a healthy working environment, we also ask that candidates remain open-minded and cooperative throughout the creative process. We strongly consider these traits to be essential to Legion’s success. In addition, experience with Unreal Engine is a major bonus for these open positions.

You also can join the Private Beta by registering on the website!
If you are Joining the group we will give you a developers key to download early.

Company Website:
Game Website

To Apply, Send Applications To:
E-mail: <codylegge@hotmail.ca>
Skype: <cody.legge1>

I have edited this post , Thanks to all who apply !!

Hello, I am trying ot send you an application for a Blueprint programmer but I got an error: “nexusdivison.com domain not found”

Hey , Looks like I had a problem with the email domain.

Please email codylegge@hotmail.ca if you want to get involved with this project