Legal use logos from Xbox, PS4 and Steam for game settings?


for my game project i have create a ui with controller texture for xbox, ps4 and steam (settings UI). Can i use the logos from this companies in UE4? Or must i join each the partner license program? The project is only PC.


You cannot use their logos in a paid game without a license or agreement. Same for any logo (like a Coca-Cola can). PC games generally use a generic looking game pad.

Please, refer to these links as they will greatly reduce doubts like yours:

Practical IP Law for Indie Developers 301: Plain Scary Edition - YouTube](Practical IP Law for Indie Developers 301: Plain Scary Edition - YouTube)

Thank you for your answer.

My Question is not the licence of anyone logos from anyone companys. The pads from PS4 and co. are officel support by UE. Epic use the licene of the controller technique from this companys and have the licence. When i use this pad feature, is the licene from PS4 under Epic Games include or not? When not, must i join the partner program for pad feature logos. :confused:

I have no found answer in the Epic Games treadmark and licence system. Befor i start the long prozess with each partner program, maybe ue4 have already inlucde the pad licence for dev in their engine.

Steam Link(is pc only), Fortnite, Rainbow Six, TESO and many more games use the pad feature license from PS4 and co. for their games. In their settings menus show they official pads with their logos.


@Ulrich.Thümmler You will need to join the developer program of each company (Microsft and Sony) only if you are going to develop to their consoles, which in this case you will receive a developer id along with their hardware and software kits, then you will send to Epic your developer id at those companies and then Epic will make available to you another **special kit **for you to develop on those platforms, meaning you don’t have the features already built into the engine, but only when you have the extra agreement with MS and/or Sony and finally Epic.

If you are not going to develop to those platforms, you will need to seek with those companies for a license to use logos and anything that identifies their products and/or brands, outside of their developer programs