I’m having an issue with the leg IK setup in my player animBP. My setup works perfectly fine in preview, but does not work in game. I’ve tried feeding in the exact same data for both cases (preview and in-game) to eliminate the case of the runtime data being bad. But even when I feed in exactly the same values in game and in the preview I still have the problem of the IK only working in preview. I really don’t understand what I’m missing and any help is much appreciated because I’m totally stuck.
Here is my animBP setup:
And here are the settings for the right foot Transform Bone Node (the settings for the left one are idential, except the bone name):
I have verified that the translation vector input is fine and in the correct space. And the alpha value is 1.0.
And here is the Leg IK node settings:
I’m using the standard skeleton, and I’m doing my tests while the character is not moving and in Idle state, in order to minimalize side effects from more complex scenarios.
Thanks in advance for any assistance!