Left mouse button does not work but

Left mouse button does not work but the Right mouse event works.

Hey @Enjoy0099! Welcome to the forums.

Unfortunately this isn’t enough information for us to help you with anything. Please get us as much information as possible about your issue, and we will do our best to try to figure out the problem, because Left Mouse Button not giving input is likely not an issue with the engine as it would be noticed straight away.

Are you using Enhanced Inputs? Have you tried using the old method of input (InputEvents)?

Left mouse button does not work but the Right mouse event works. I am working in blueprint in a Pawn, every input works except for the Left mouse button.

Have you tried using the Left Mouse Button event instead of “Shoot”?

Check your input actions in Project settings → input and make sure LMB is even being used! :slight_smile:

I attempted the left mouse button event, but it still doesn’t work.

So my idea is that you have an Enhanced Input Action that is mapped on the character. As the Axis and Action mappings are deprecated, that’s what you’re going to need to use anyway- but if it’s a template from the Unreal Engine Launcher it’s going to have an Input Mapping Context assigned to it and I believe that would consume the input. If you’re using the FirstPerson template, for example, it would be under:




There should be an IMC_Default and an IMC_Weapon.
If these use LeftClick and you haven’t told them not to, they WILL override your inputs and consume them!

I use Enhanced Input, but the left mouse button is still not working.
And, I only use one IMC in a project.

Would you be able to open one of the template projects?

In the FPS Template, picking up the gun actor lets you left click to shoot.
That would be a good test to see if it’s a problem with the engine, or a problem with the project.

Also, weird suggestion, but make sure your drivers are up to date? And maybe try another mouse? I don’t know, this is getting into very strange territory :joy:

If left click works on any other app there’s nothing wrong with the drivers. Driver updates are suggested too soon and must be done with caution as a last resort.

Using an input event anywhere else which uses the left mouse button? or an override on a widget to respond to mouse clicks? Can you report the specific engine version and if you are using c++ anywhere related to input? does the input action “shoot” work if you assign a keyboard key to it?

There is also a common (probably still unfixed) viewport bug which causes input to go unresponsive and axis events to report 0 on the axis while you are not holding any mouse button down. This is an ancient one, if you see that happen I guide you through it.

I can’t advice on Enhanced Input, I avoid it like a disease and it’s probably the first thing I disable (disable plugin, default the default input components), it’s another experimental feature forced down the throat and a no for me. Old system works fine. Deprecated but not obsolete. You could attempt to do this and see if it’s an instant fix, if you are not using it for anything else.

I’m going to leave this link here which describes the input routing in great detail but it’s on the technical side. A lot you don’t see in blueprints, but this might well explain your situation if your input gets stuck in one spot.

GitHub - YawLighthouse/UMG-Slate-Compendium: A Compendium Information Guide for UMG and Slate in Unreal Engine.

Since the right click is “color picker action” I get the idea you are using the UI (widget) to pick a color, and the “shoot” action is meant for the pawn, who never receives input because the widget is handling input. That’s just an assumption but a common obstacle.

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It worked when creating a new one, but I don’t understand what happened to the old one.
Anyway, thanks for your help. :smiling_face_with_tear: :+1:

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