I’ve added left hand IK using the two Bone and FABRIK nodes, and am using a left hand IK socket on the weapon’s skeleton. Here’s the thing; I have also added hand sway when the player moves/looks around, and the left hand IK sticks to the gun flawlessly without any problems.
But when the procedural recoil kicks in when I shoot (which is added using the Transform Modify Bone node on the hand_R) the left hand does stay within the general position of the desired location, but is visibly out of sync with the recoiling of the gun.
Here is how the recoil is applied:
The recoil is done by generating a “recoil” transform position at time of shot fired, and adding this recoil transform position to a “total recoil” transform variable. As long as the player is firing, it Tinterps from recoil value to total recoil value at x speed. When shooting stops, it TInterips from the recoil value back to an empty transform.
The hand_r bone is modified using the current value of “recoil” (location and rotation). This recoil is also placed before the hand IK nodes, and after the hand sway nodes.
I’d appreciate any suggestions on what may be causing the syncing issues, I just cant seem to figure it out. Thanks in advance