I added ‘Left CMD’ as an input to functionality in my game (right click in blueprint, Left CMD). On my mac it doesn’t seem to work though. action triggers when I press Left Ctrl instead of Left CMD key. Can anybody try and reproduce this to see if it’s just me?
I don’t believe it’s ‘Left CMD’. From what I could find it should be “Left Command”, but you might be able to find out more useful information here:
- LeftShift
- RightShift
- LeftControl
- RightControl
- LeftAlt
- RightAlt
- LeftCommand
- RightCommand
Are some of things I took note of while I was there. Terribly sorry if this doesn’t help.
I don’t know why that would activate Left Control instead. I don’t have a macintosh so unfortunately I’m unable to help out any further than this.
Hey discobonzi,
It looks like Cmd and Ctrl keys are swapped for Input nodes on Mac. I have reproduced this issue and entered bug report UE-4988 for our developers to look at. I believe intention is to give Cmd key and Ctrl key same input. For now, you’ll need to swap nodes: use Ctrl key for Cmd input, and vice versa. Hope that helps. Thanks for report!