Left click scroll box drag... how?

Newbie question here… How do I left click and drag a widget scroll box?

I can right click and drag to scroll and use the mouse scroll wheel… but can’t see how to enable left click and drag.

Thanks in advance…

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I don’t think there is a way (outside of modyfying the source code) to change the engine keybindings. I asked similar question before and that what I was told. It ■■■■■■ me off too.

WOW really? that’s crazy! Guess I’ll have to code my own mouse down/drag handler to move the scroll box then!

Hi there, I find a way just for enabling touch scrolling, but my way will not active left click scrolling.
Just Enable Touch Scrolling on your scrollbox
and if you have buttons on your scrollbox,
Go to the interaction section of buttons and open advanced

And set Click method to Precise Click
and set Touch method to Precise Tap