Led wall view is not updating

we are building a small Virtual productoin set and we are having some issues

switchboard and Ndisplay are ready and the Listener view is showing up on the LED wall

but when we move the Camera on the Editor it is not updating on the Led wall
any ideas ?

Are you connected to Multi-User?

yes , I have multi user seasion running

whatever I do on the editor , it doesnt update the listner

I got this same issue on 4.27. Got the nDisplay and LED to work. but could not update. I would like to also know how to fix. Since I have tested on 5.1 and I cant get the nDisplay to work on this either.

I have got it to work
try to focus on getin gthe Ndisplay to join the multi user session , that the key


Following this tutorial:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CljfWS0rOqs

I am able to run the MU and nDisplay. I see “Node0” on the session in MultiUser Browser,
Still cant get stuff to update. Seems I am so close, but I must be missing something.

Update: CineCamera is working, it updates! But by nDisplay is not.

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Got it to work. Started a new project and now nDisplay is updating a long with the fustrum. It lags a bit but works.

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I have it working by now

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