Hey everyone, we already have some progress on our new IP:
Stage 3
What is it?
Stage 3 is a roguelike action RPG game combined with fantasy elements where a knight that suffers from amnesia, tries to recover his memories that dwell inside a castle within his dreams.
That’s awesome. I’ve developed several Procedural Generators in UE4. I’m using the Depth First Search to generate the Labyrinthine Dungeon of Dragon’$ Gold. I’m curious as to what Proc Gen Algorithm you’re using. Is it something custom?
I admire the Character Models especially the Armor. I’ve been looking for some cool modular armor pieces in the Marketplace. I’ve purchased the Ready, Platform, Go! System which is high quality and would be interested in your character models, if put on the marketplace.
We are going to release the modular knights for the marketplace, can’t wait to see what people can create with the system. Of course for our game will make more variations to make it unique but is something we need to work on in the coming months. Glad you like our products!
As for the system, I’m an artist so will ask our programmer to share his experiences with the procedural generated system here.
That’s awesome news. I have yet to settle on a Character/Armor design concept for Dragon’$ Gold and I can easily visualize your design in my minds eye.
There isn’t much to show since we went to Colombia to show our game in MICSUR 2016. We met awesome developers around South America and we can’t wait to work with them in the production for LeBlank. Meanwhile we updated our lightning for the presentation in Colombia!
We just partnered with our friends from Chile: Sound Art to take LeBlank’s audio to next level! We can’t wait to show you what we will be working on in the coming months
We are having a big change today, from now on the game is called Stage 3! It really represents our true vision for old school gaming and we want people to experience some awesome moments with the games we create. Hope you like it!
If a moderator could change the name of the thread to Stage 3 instead of LeBlank it would be super awesome!
Placeholder meshes has been replaced by new ones! These are screenshots from our game in Alpha stage, still lots of work to do but it coming along nicely. 100% procedural and randomly generated
Starting from today we will start to show you the progress of Stage 3 through these weekly updates. This week comes with very few updates but very important ones on stability and performance of the game.
Fixed Boss combat behavior.
Fixed bug that made the spawning algorithm ignore the weights assigned to each room.
Improved procedural generation performance.
Barrels can now drop loot.
You can now use the inventory Menu.
Implemented framework for Spawning Items, Drop Rate and Inventory.
Improved UI performance.
Visual Arts:
Design of the new Wizard type enemies.
Added new UI Temporal Icons for the Inventory system.
New Stance selection HUD.
New Sanity bar HUD.
Improved fire and perfect block particle systems.
Added insanity particle system.
Added Wave Swing special effect.
Started to create new set of swords of “Common” type.
Improvement on the Running cycle animation.
Added special rooms where the player will need special gems to be opened.
Stances can now level up to give new and special attributes to the player.
You can now encounter statues that can morph into a living enemy.
Added new chests to get special rewards.
This week has come with very important updates on gameplay and combat system. You are now able to switch between 3 combat stances and create your own combos!
The Damage that the player does to the enemies depends on the weapon and the type of animation.
Fixed movement behavior while attacking.
Now you are able to change between 3 Combat Stances.
You can now find chests and find new items inside them.
User Interface now detects if you are using a Keyboard and mouse or a Gamepad Controller and changes the UI accordingly.
Added random loot spawner.
Added Item Pickup special effects.
Added Portal Gate that will allow you to return to your base.
Finished in-game versions of upcoming weapons for “Common” type.
Added three different types of chests.
Added UI mockup for the summary of the last round.
Added new Game Over title.
Added three types of death animation.
The experience is now used to allocate points on the character stats.
You can now save gear obtained in the last round using a special chest found in the level.
New special titles added to the character. They give different attributes.
Hey everyone we have come up with some pretty cool updates this week. You can now change combat stances and see the changes in a more visual way! Also a new map has been added where you will do the majority of the upgrades of your characters and select the level you want to enter.
Added camera shake, hit particles and force feedback when hit by an attack.
You are now able to enter the Hub map and use the portals to enter and exit different levels.
Added hero death animations that activate depending on the position where he was hit.
Target system improvements, attacking an enemy will activate lock on automatically.
Added new Main Menu screen.
Main Menu and Title screen now work with Gamepad controller.
Added Healing room.
Player’s damage is now shown in the HUD.
Implemented Quick Slots functionality.
Migrated Inventory and Items classes to C++
You can now use Grid Inventory.
Added extra animations to death states.
Added transitions to animate three combat stances.
You can now see different effects for each combat stance.
Added hit VFX when attacking an enemy.
Improved brightness in some Particle Systems.
Improvements on the level hub.
Boss room layout finished.
Boss Room now spawns itself, the boss and the player correctly.
Added new type of enemy Swordsman.
Added parry reaction of melee enemies.
Implemented Item stacking inside the Inventory.
Modified Inventory User Interface to match the inventory size.
You can now obtain stacked Consumables from random loot boxes.
Added Return Portal visual effects.
Added Insanity mode visual style.
Added Hit visual effects.
Toned down bloom in some particles.
Ambient particles are now added to the environment.
Added a better visual representation when you open a chest.
Added knockback animations.
Added death animations for elemental attacks.