Title: Leaving
Link of the video: Leaving
Link for the: ArtStation Page
Student Submission: No
Credits to sourced content:
Megascans Trees: European Black Alder.
Several Megascan Assets (for the tracks).
Ultra Dynamic Sky
Glasses Material from the Twinmotion Chairs & Tables Pack 1
Lady Crab Virtual Camera Rig
Train: this asset was modelled and texture by me last year. During this challenge I imported it into Unreal and did the lookdev and added a few extra details using Megascan Decals.
Tracks: this was modelled, textured during this challenge using Megascan textures.
Description: I’ve been working with VFX since 2008, and with Unreal since 2019, and I’ve been using Unreal on my work more and more - it is such an amazing fun tool to work with! I decide to embrace this challenge as a way to practice my cinematography skills. All the light was done using Lume with Ultra Dynamic Sky plugin. The camera work I used a virtual camera rig that me and my partner are developing, this was the first scene that it was use it. My idea was to create something simple enough that I could finish using my spare time. Hope you guys like it!
Engine Version Unreal Engine 5.0.2