Leaving corpses after death

I want to add a feature to the game so that after the death of my character, his body remains lying on the ground, and then a new character respawns and so on ad infinitum until you complete your level.

Below is a blueprint of how my character dies from a fall and is reborn
At the same time, after death, my camera is frozen, I want to avoid this.

When you open a level everything is reset in it. Aren’t you opening the same level you’re currently in? Just teleport your character to the start of the level and spawn a dead actor instead

Yes. You are right, after death a new level opens and everything is reset, I need to fix this so that the level does not reset after death.

In that case on death you probably want to spawn a dead actor and ragdoll that, while making the player character invisible, that way you don’t need to transpose the player character dead pose to the new mesh before teleporting

You are right, now my character just spawns and everything is saved, but the inscription “You Die” is preserved, and also my camera does not rotate in different directions, how to fix this?

Don’t destroy your character, make it invisible, teleport it after 4 seconds to the respawn point and make it visible.
Just spawn a dummy mesh actor for the corpse, you shouldn’t possess it

probably easier to spawn a new character at the start point and possess it, and leave the old one at the point of death.

Will this cause fps to drop?

Now it works like this:
This is Game mod:

This is Character:

This is Play: