Leaves tint doesn't change after update version 2023.1 Preview 2

Hello! I just uploaded an update for version 2023.1 Preview 2, opened my scene and noticed that all the tints of the vegetation that I made using the vegetation painter become standard and don't change when I choosing a color again. At the same time, all the vegetation that I manually placed from the assets, changes leaves tint as usual.

Does this problem have a solution? This is my study project, and I didn't render an images before the update, when the vegetation still had the right tints, now tints of the painted vegetation are standard and don't change. It would take a very long time to replace all this painted vegetation in my scene with vegetation placed manually from assets :( Thanks!

Having same problem

I am having the same issue.​

Hello everyone,

Thanks for reporting this issue. I have managed to reproduce this bug and can confirm that the vegetation paint and scatter tools in 2023.1 Preview 2 don't apply to a tree's leaf or bark tint. I have logged a bug for the developers to investigate and fix.

For now, manually placing trees should allow tree leaf and bark tints to display normally, so if you need to adjust the tints, try doing this and using copies or instances of the tinted tree to populate your scene. All other foliage, such as grasses and bushes, should tint properly in the paint and scatter tools.

