Learning UE4 C++ Advanced features

I have tried finding an answer to this in the C++ programming section, but after many minutes got tired of wading through “Should I learn basic C++ and how?” questions.

I am a software developer trying to learn how to make games with UE4 and C++. I have nothing against blueprints, but once you have finished prototyping a game in Blueprint, many companies will want to recode the blueprint into C++ for efficiency. I have watched the basic C++ tutorial. I have read the documentation (which is fairly sparse) and I have looked at the Code category in the wiki. I have searched the internet for books without much success. I finished recreating the video series tutorial and I am ready to move on to something bigger.

I would ultimately like to be able to create something like the Shooter example, but reverse engineering it is slow and inefficient. Are there any resources ANYWHERE that explain how to do things in UE4 and C++ like:

  1. creating multi-level games where a single level has multiple “Level” assets created for lighting, effects, sound, etc and other levels for things like a main menu screen?
  2. Implementing split screen and networked multiplayer in C++?

Preferably a tutorial that creates the ShooterGame example or the StrategyGame example from scratch using primarily C++ for coding would be preferable.

Forum post: Maintenance - Unreal Engine

It’s pretty sparely documented as well, but Tom’s writing the entire thing using C++ and minimal (ie. moving things around, templates, not scripts) for blueprint.

That’s probably as good as it’s going to get for now; watching the commit history on github is excellent though, as a guide for how to setup and start work, deal with issues, in the project.