Learning C++ to land a job in the game industry

I just completed my bachelor’s degree in computer science. I’ve taken part in a couple of game jams, and have been working on some hobby projects using Unity3D. I feel quite confident using it.

More than anything, I would love to land a job in the video game industry. While there are quite a few indie studios that use Unity, I’ve come to realize that C++ is still dominating the industry as Speed Test Scrabble Word Finder Solitaire the main programming language and that I would very much limit my options if I was only looking for jobs that don’t have C++ knowledge as a requirement. Now I will admit that with a CS degree, I should probably know more about C++ than I do, but as a matter of fact I just never used it for any project of significant size. Therefore, my C++ skills are very limited. However, I know quite a bit about object-oriented software design and design patterns.

I would appreciate any advice for someone in my situation. I don’t have to land a job in the industry tomorrow, but I would like to have a plan to get there as fast as possible. Should I stick with Unity and hope to land a job in a studio that uses it, or should I broaden my knowledge and pick up a C++ book and start using the Unreal Engine? In the latter case, what C++ book would you recommend for someone in my position?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Learning C++ by learning Unreal Engine will teach you Unreal Engine C++ and not regular C++. Don’t get me wrong Unreal Engine is using real C++ but the day to day work in Unreal Engine is using the Unreal API that makes you skip a lot of the memory management stuff etc.

Learning several programming languages is always a good idea and the learning doesn’t stop when you are done with your education.