Learning BluePrint is Pain

Hi guys, I have some problems with blueprint. I have started to learn UE4 since several days and I found really hard to learn blueprint. I am good at C# and Java and I am thinking to jump to the C++ but before that I want to learn blueprint. However, simply I cannot understand the logic. In video tutorials, logic is not told. They just put the nods on the event screen and the other problem is I cannot find nodes which is used in the video.(I do not know why, probably engine interface has been changed)
In conclusion, I need to learn which nodes for using what and the logic behind the way we connect them together. Can you please give me an advice about what I should do?

This comes from someone trying to do the same thing as you are, I want to use c++ but the lack of documentation is so big that it’s just plainly hard to understand it unless you’re a very experienced programmer.

I suggest that you start follow some tutorials and you start to see a pattern in some simple cases, such as triggerboxes and stuff, plus when you have a node and you stretch from that node it gives you the things you can do in it.

I am trying to set my mind in a programming way and then try and apply it in blueprints logic. The problem is that there are so many nodes to use…
Just try to follow some tutorials and use what you learned and experiment from there.

I wish they would make more c++ documentation(other than the whole API reference).

When you think of something you want to do, google it and go to images, sometimes the answer is right there.

Here’s some links of youtubers I found useful so far:



Hope this helps somehow.

Bummer, I personally loved blueprints when I started using them :confused: I highly suggest that you learn blueprints before jumping into C++, you will save yourself a lot of time and trouble, you can use blueprints for nearly anything, but you can’t use C++ for everything (You will pretty much need to use blueprints sooner or later). As for learning, I hate to sound like I am advertising, but beginners have told me that I explain logic very well in my tutorial series (see my signature), and I am using the recent versions of the engine, so you should take a peek and see if you like it. If you are still having trouble learning, the forums are a great place to ask questions, and don’t worry, we don’t bite. If you are wondering what a specific node does, just do a simple search and I’m sure you’ll find something (try not to make 50 posts a day when wondering what 50 nodes do).

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Thanks for answer. Do you know if there is any reference for blueprint nodes? I mean I need to know which node is used for what.

Thanks! I will check your tutorial series and I hope it will help.

There is somewhat of a reference guide in the documentation: Utilities | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation

This is coming from a new/noob/basic/still learning programmer(very brief experience in Processing 2.0, C++), like only a few months, Blueprints is definitely hard without being at the very least intermediate if not expert level of programming. It really all is about understanding OOP and Logic though. Think about Blueprints being a totally new language you want to learn. You would not be able to master it in a few weeks or even months, but you can get more and more comfortable the more you play with it. I have about 8 months experience with it and still have so much to learn. A lot of it because I am just new to the whole OOP programming and because Blueprints had so much that I have probably only use 75% of the nodes ever in any of my projects put together. That and there are always new nodes or improvements coming out to relearn. I suggest downloading the game examples on the learn tab, actually…do everything on the learn tab of thr launcher…and you will get decently comfortable with it in no time. Like other have mentioned, plenty of Youtune tutorials and amazing community member websites with information and tips/tricks. Also, we have UnrealSlackers slack chat, full of wonderful community and some Epic guys full of knowledge and willing to help.


Personally, I see blueprint as an easier language since it’s visual and well integrated with UE4 Editor’s interface.

Maybe you are so used to code that you’re having difficulties to transpose it to a visual form (pls, don’t assume it as offensive).
AFAIK Blueprint can do whatever C++ can, so maybe you are trying to understand logics that are not common used in C++ game engines, and it’s being not clear to you.
I took some months to transpose some logics i was used to code in C++ to BP, so it’s just a matter of searching some tutorials at Youtube and posting your difficulties in the forum.

I recommend you to get some nice projects in the marketplace made in BP, open them and try to understand what they did, like the Generic Shooter, from Michael Allar, that uses similar logics of UT3 and UT4 for Weapon and replication.

Let me just pitch in and say that every day I find new things that blueprints cannot due, and require the use of C++, but the things I usually try and do are quite advanced, and will likely not be needed by most users.

Oh, thanks for ceasing one of my doubts about BP, Jamendxman3!
The “AFAIK” was just for that :slight_smile:

It reinforces my theory that i need to reprogram my game in C++ when the prototyping phase is over.

not really, it is hard… yes… but you just need to keep on practicing. and watch / listen to more tutorials…
youtube is great source for that.
i remembered i downloaded all youtube UE4 tutorials in HD to my disk… now theyre 100+gb of the videos…

whenever i dont understand something, i just play along and keep listening, then the next day or so, i return and watch it all over again… till i get it…

just dont give up :stuck_out_tongue:

There are actually a lot of things that it would be better to do in blueprints, simply because it would save you time.

Blueprints are definitely the easiest way of programming something. If you have an understanding of OOP then you should have no problems at all with blueprints. You can achieve 99% of what you would do in C++ with them and it’s much easier for beginners to pick up. If you are struggling with them then I would recommend doing some research on object oriented programming and that would help you to get your head around how blueprints works.

There is no such thing as a capable programming language that is “easy to learn”, I have been doing computer programming for 4-5 years and am only now up to the point where I am completely confident in my ability to create anything using my computer programming logic. Computer programming is pretty much 90% logic, 10% the language, which is why I was comfortable with blueprints in under a week. The reason that blueprints is said to be easier to learn is that most people have a hard time understanding the syntax and flow of a language, and that blueprints are a much more visual way of learning, which helps take the stress out of the process. That being said, you still need to familiarize yourself with the logic that comes with programming, go read up on the basics of programming, here is a fantastic site to read up on it: Programming Concepts: A Brief Tutorial for New Programmers – Holowczak.com Tutorials