Learn Unreal Engine any version

Hi guys, I want to learn Unreal engine 4 but all the tutorials out there are outdated because everything is changing with the updates. I plan to study the documentation but its going to take time.
I am also scared of tutorials on udemy because all I see them use is old version. The problem is that when I download the older version, it asks visual studio 2015 which I now have to pay to download. Please any idea on how to learn it would help. I have wasted a lot of time watching tutorials.

You can grab VS 2015 for free at Microsoft’s Site, shouldn’t need to pay for anything:


I’d recommend this course. Helped me learn a lot and fast too. Latest version is fine, they have video edits that tell you what to change for latest version. Plus the comment section always has an answer regarding version differences.

Thank you guys a lot, this is really helping me.