Learn Blueprints from Examples!

When I first learned to code I learned it form examples. The examples were complete programs that demonstated each programming concept. The program started. Showed how the concept worked and then wrapped itself up and terminated. Mind you of course the idea of a class didn’t even exist then! This was GW-BASIC!! I think that if Epic tried that kind of thing for blueprints it would bloat the server HOWEVER!! What else it would do is give something that anyone could dig their teeth into. Maybe start by changing variable values and then change the way the way the nodes are hooked up and even try removing and adding nodes as they go, until they know how to use that blueprint node well! There is nothing like real life practice, and a functional example is functionally superior to doing it form scratch when one is learning.

You can already find some example projects, where you can explore all the blueprints. But for me video tutorials are totally fine. You can rebuild everything you saw in the video and then manipulate it to find out what else is possible.

let us look at the video for get and set as an example. I have an issue with doing hacky things when learning. If one learns the hacky way then one is stuck doing it the hacky way until they learn another way. I think this is poor education on the part of Epic. It’s one of the reasons I gave up on the videos. By doing things the hacky way one is almost always stuck with losing out on flexibility down the line, or there end up things that they simply can’t do because the hacky way simply prevents it.

First of all, making a video tutorial is not by default creating things in a “hacky” way. I don’t think that the way Epic is creating projects is the one and only right way. You should spend some time and watch a lot of different tutorials. You will see hundreds of different solutions and after some time you will be able to develop your own right way. If you try to concentrate on only one way (which is maybe the offical one) you will have a very limited view on things.

Once you saw a lot of different solutions for one and the same problem you will be able to derive your own way to solve things. If not you will stuck in trying to imitate the “right way”.

I never said making a video tutorial was creating things in a hacky way. I was quoting the narrator who said they were “going to do something a bit hacky”. Your welcome for watching the video for you.