Learn blueprint programming

How can I learn to program in blueprint? I’ve looked for courses and classes on YouTube but they’re always basic things, I want to learn how to create a blueprint from scratch and learn how to read it without needing to watch tutorials, etc. Tell me how you learned and where I can learn too

You have two options:

  • watch tutorials and follow them until you understand what is in tutorial and cann just create code without watching tutorial again
  • not watch tutorial and discover everything yourself. So do code, google how to do it, see examples.

Choice is yours.

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??.they are advanced to me…don’t so ambitious man.watch more tutorials.and that’s what I’m doing :nerd_face:

When I say basic, I mean that the tutorials tell you what to do but don’t explain what each function does or how each function is read, for example, they explain what the code is reading but you can’t understand how the logic works

I’m researching but when I add existing code to a new tutorial code there’s always something that makes me unable to progress.