LeapMotion Error message in Standalone

Hi All,

I am using 10.4 to develop my game and whenever I create a standalone for testing, I am greeted with an error.

The project builds fine, the error appears when you ope the .exe of the built game. It is a pop up that you can dismiss and does not stop you from playing the game.

However, it is incredibly annoying and I just can’t seem to fix it.

So far, I have tried to delete every reference to LeapMotion, as I’m not actually using it in my project, I have opened the .uproject file in a text editor and removed the plugin reference from there, but, it still appears. The plugin isn’t active in the plugins browser, in fact, it doesn’t even exist in the browser.

Any help or advice with this would be most appreciated.

I have recently updated to 4.15, but, the build game just crashes instantly, with a completely different error! So, updating to a newer version is not an option I would prefer.

Thanks for reading


Solus, the only way I managed to rid myself of this problem, was to upgrade to 4.15. Fixed my problem immediately. I had to go into a few blueprints and update some of the nodes that had been deprecated and update a few variables here and there, but, the Leap Motion issue is no longer there.

I hope this helps in some way.

Did you have any luck with this Jay? Having the same error in my packaged build.

Appreciate the reply, looks like I’ll have to make the leap to 4.15. Cheers.