Leaderboards in maps

Can someone explain how the leaderboards work with names, times, eliminations, scores… or where is it explained to put them on my maps? I cannot link devices and have them reflect names or numbers on the billboards.
Well, for my map I would need to put lists of players in plan, time to complete the objective, and similar things.

Well, depends on what exactly you want. Do you want a global Steam leaderboard for permanent scores? (1)YES/NO
(1)If YES, do you have experience in C++? (2)YES/NO
(2)If YES, then you can use the SteamAPI and create API calls for Leaderboard actions.
(2)If NO, then you will need to purchase a plugin which does that.
(1)If NO, and you are talking about a leaderboard in mid of a game, when you for example press TAB, so the players know who is the best. Then you will need to store all the data simply on the server and output it when a client wants it. It’s as simple as that. Create a leaderboard in widgets (assuming you already have a fully working multiplayer game), then just every time someone gets shot (using a server side function of course) you can simply add something to the user’s score which you save on your server (So you have a struct array with all the things you want to save). When the player now wants the information, you can easily just output the client the saved information from the server.

so if i anwsered yes to points 1 and 2 where would i find the steamapi calls for the leaderboard??? :laughing:

So much hassle to look at a leaderboard within a fortnite map?

you can totally make a leaderboard in game just as Probezeit states

you save off the stats you wanna track with trackers elimination managers etc bysubscibing to their events
once you have your stats you need the player names so use


then just match the name to the stat and build your scoreboard either with billboards or the hud

i was just intrested in the persistant leaderboard for a hall of fame

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Don’t you know any video tutorial?

unfortunatly not just start by getting either the score or a name to show on a billboard

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I don’t think any part of this has to do with UEFN, you might be in the wrong place lol

Ouh, sorry. This is about UEFN. My answer was related to normal UE