
Hi there, i just started learning UE4 so i might be wrong at some points. As i understand widget reflector doesn’t work properly, even with 95% scaling smaller buttons become unclickable, but this is very complex tool so its might be hard to fix, but there are plenty other things which need to get some adjustments.
So HEREa screenshot from my laptop. As you can see window is pretty small and kinda hard to fit all those tools into 1366x768, here some issues what i faced while played with layouts.

  1. content browser - gif file
    would be nice to have an option to hide add new, import, save all “description”,
  2. details - gif file
  3. toolbar - maybe smaller buttons without names
  4. whole modes tool, this is can not be changed at all
  5. there a any way to make custom layout as default for all projects?
  6. epic games launcher - hide into tray button

Hello CriErr,

Thank you for your post. We are constantly working on our layout in order to make sure that it is in the best state possible for our users. There are a few things that you can do to make the most of the limited space that you have.

  1. with the content browser you can not currently hide the add new, import and, the save all buttons, but you can hide the sources panel by pressing this button:

  2. for the details panel: any of the panels can be closed and re-opened when needed if they are not currently being used. just click the “X” on the tab and the window will close. If you would like to re-open that window later click the “window” button at the top of the editor

3.The toolbar icons can be made smaller by clicking on “edit” from the main menu at the top of the editor, select editor preferences from the drop down menu. in the window that pops up select “Appearances” under the General section to the left of the window. and then select the “Use small Tool Bar Icons” button. this will make most of the icons in the editor smaller. It will also remove the names. If you find yourself wanting to switch back to the larger, named icons just uncheck the box and everything will return to it’s previous state.

  1. The modes tool, like any other tool can be resized, torn out into it’s own window, or closed and re-opened as the user sees fit. The icons at the top of the tools mode panel are affected by the “use small icons” setting, so if that is enabled a little bit of space can be freed up this way.

  2. There is a way to make a custom layout as the default for all projects. In the Editor Preferences window select "set as default " this will make your settings the default for the project that you are currently in. If you hit the export button you can export those settings. Then when you start a new project, just import the settings that you exported previously and click on “set as default” this will make the imported settings the new default settings.

  3. Once you have launched the editor into the project that you plan on working on it is no longer necessary to keep the Epic Games Launcher open. You may minimize it to the taskbar if you wish, but if you are limited on screen space and/or resources you may want to close it entirely and just open it again when you wish.

I often work from a laptop at home as well and I know that it can be frustrating to have so many tools available in such a small amount of space, but I think that some of these techniques will help to make it a little easier for you. I am also including a link to the editor preferences documentation page were you can find several more customization options.

If there is anything else that you would like help with, or anything that is not covered here, just let me know and I will get a feature request in for you.
