
Hi all!
Why don’t the work. neither by right-clicking nor by dragging?

Hey there @Frezer2011! Layers are only available in world composition based maps, if you’re current level is world partitioned, you’ll need to use data layers instead!


I need to render by layers in “Movie Render Queue” but it does not support “Data Layers”.

And how to return the map to this state, so that you can use the layers. I was working in the default layer. Is there any way to get the layers back on it?

I was not aware the MRQ used the layers function this way as I work primarily on the gameplay side. I’ll have to do a bit of research on the topic for now.

There is no way to convert a world partition world into a world composition world once it’s been translated. However, you could select everything in the world outliner, copy, ctrl+n to create a new level, choose the empty one, then paste everything back in. This is not optimal but since the converter only goes one way this is the current workaround.


Thank you so much!