Layered Blend Per Bone weight issue

Hello! I have been wrestling with this for quite a while, and I’m not finding any answers here or through Google searches. This is for my job, so I have to get this figured out. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

So I have a character with two state caches, one for the lower body, the other for the upper body. I’m using a Layered Blend Per Bone node to control transitions from Spine1 and up. The lower cache controls running, jumping, rolling, climbing, etc. The upper cache controls shooting, reloading, and swapping guns. The issue I’m having occurs in changing the weight of the blend. Most of the time, the blend weight is set to 1, for running and shooting and things like that. But when the character rolls, I set the weight to 0, so that all upper body animation is ignored, and the character will fully commit to the animation. Same goes for climbing. However, when the character comes out of the rolling animation, changing the blend weight back to 1 is somehow getting ignored, so the character is now only using the lower body cache, which looks terrible and messes everything up. If I switch guns, it goes back to the proper blend, but as soon as I roll, it messes up again. I’ve tried setting the blend weight in the character blueprint after a delay (which is constantly casted to the anim BP), I’ve tried having the weight be set according to which gun is selected in the anim BP, which works right for the gun, but still doesn’t fix the weight. I’ve always been able to figure out issues like this, or at least find a workaround, but this one is particularly stubborn. I’ve tried everything I can think of, and that change in weight from 0 to 1 is simply ignored every time. I’ve even tried running a timeline that changes it over the course of the transition, and that has worked for some other animations, but not this one. I really have no idea what’s wrong, or if I’m just doing something incorrectly. I figure it somehow has to be some kind of priority issue, but who knows? If particular screenshots would be helpful, I can post whatever. If anyone has any possible ideas I would love to hear them!


I think I might have had a similar issue. I wrapped the anim in a state.

Yeah, I have that selected on both states, and even bumped up Max Transitions, and the problem persists. Thanks for the suggestion! This really has me stumped. Looking at your graph gives me an idea though, so I’ll try something else and let you know if it works.

My idea didn’t work. Back to the drawing board!