Hi guys! Layered blend per bone in Animation Blueprint does not work clearly. I done everything well but my animation montages don’t work in any case. Please help me!
Can you show the code where you play the montage?
Firstly I tried to play the montage in first person blueprint. But now I am using animation montages in Animation Blueprint. These are working now with blend per bone. But Character looks so weird during blended animation :S
Play animation montages work on older version in main blueprint. Animation blueprint was not necessary. I don’t have an idea
Try unchecking the Mesh Space rotation blend and setting the blend depth to 1. Also please show a screen shot of the blueprint where you play the montage
I used exactly same code on my old main character without any error. Maybe there are errors on character skeleton system. Everything works well, but only blend layered works dirty. Still works but character looks weird.
Problem is in my new main character’s skeleton system. I changed skeleton system with mixamo rigging. and all problems solved. Thanks!