I’m trying to make my landscape not look like one texture over the whole thing, with macro variation and everything. Not only does that seem not to work, but when doing a layer blend it somehow turns into this strange glass/water looking landscape. I’m assuming that it’s because I’m making a procedural landscape, and applying the material to it instead of creating the landscape beforehand, but am not sure if there’s a workaround.
I made a recording of both issues, showing the material layout and all. I believe the main issue with the landscape repetition comes from the landscape coords, and the glassy look from the layer blend.
Does anyone have some experience with materials and how they figure out landscape coordinates?
Yeah I figured out that the issue is 100% due to doing Procedural Generation. Made a landscape and made layerinfo, and the macro variation works as well with that all. So, the issue is not resolved but I can see why it doesn’t work. Anyone have experience with materials in procedural generation?
Hopefully this helps anyone having an issue with micro/macro variation whilst doing procedural terrain generation, but for me the solution was to use the Absolute World Position XY instead of texture coordinates/landscape coordinates. As for the layer blending, I found that making a micro variation with a variation tint and linear interpolation is what works for me, but you should be able to use other textures and lerp them as well (I think). Still looks a bit weird since I think the normals need to be redone for lighting, but the texture itself looks much better than a carpeted or glassy look that it used to have.
Here’s the end result and the blueprints as follows that ended up working for me: