Layer Blend per Bones trigger by condition?

Hi everyone, I have a question and I’m not sure if it’s possible so I’m wondering if it is possible if I could use another blend per bone under a certain condition. Here’s what I want to do. I have my character swinging the sword as he’s running but when the character stops, I want him to be able to play a a full body animation of the swing and not just the top part when he’s running. Hopefully I didn’t confuse anyone.

Thank you in advance :D.

I guess you should use the stateMachine for that. You have two different states, one is “idle = standing”, the other is while running. but to answer the question if its possible to layerBlend per bones by condition = yes. simply use the blendWeight of the node - you can add additional blend setups with the + button on the node. If you post a screenshot of your current setup you may get better help :wink:

Hi Adnoh,
Thanks for your reply. I think I did try that but here’s a picture of my anim BP. Let me know if this make it a little more clear about what I’m trying to do.


This should help you out. You’ll need to use the Blend Poses by bool.

Hey Geodvs, thanks for the example. I did it and it works now. Maybe a bit better than I thought. Thanks again you guys

You’re welcome animerick. Glad you got better results than expected.