Launching Unreal Editor with -xrtracking only shortcut trick closes UE editor when running NDisplay

Hey all. I’m currently using NDisplay to run a CAVE setup that uses Vive trackers and SteamVR without an hmd. UE 5.5 came with some nice NDisplay features, like running NDisplay while in the editor, without needing to run switchboard.

Previously, there was an issue with LiveLink where the source would not pick up Vive trackers. The workaround for this was to create a shortcut to the unreal editor, and add a flag -xrtracking only.

With UE 5.5, the LiveLinkOpenVR plugin was able to make it so I don’t have to use that trick anymore for tracking. However, I still needed that trick to actually get controller input from the VRPawn.

Unfortunately, if you try and run Ndisplay when booting the -xrtrackingonly editor (with or without switch board), the UE editor closes (SteamVR shows this) once the NDisplay successfully launches.

I unchecked the close editor on launch option, but it still closes.

I think this is just a bug, I hope someone on the UE team hears my cry for help… please fix!

Still happening in 5.5.2 :frowning:

Hello! did you find a fix for this? I’m not using NDisplay, but in 5.5 the new LivelinkOpenVR plugin allows the transforms to be read without the xrtracking only shortcut, but not the controller inputs