September 12, 2017, 7:43pm
I am trying to launch to my Iphone and it keeps failing,
below i have posted the error lines from the output window in unreal.
i am using unreal engine 4.17.1
and my iphone is updated to iOS 11 beta.
error lines :
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: [DD] … Error: Failed to connect to bundle ‘co.Ashwin.ARKitTest’
LogPlayLevel: env: Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: " is Xcode managed, but signing settings require a manually managed profile.
LogPlayLevel: env: Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type ‘Application’ in SDK ‘iOS 11.0’
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.AutomationException: CodeSign Failed
LogPlayLevel: RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Failed to Code Sign
i followed all the setups that were required to create the provisioning file.
but i dont know what setting i am missing.
Please help me launch on Iphone?
Facing the exact same problem on UE 4.18.1
Has anyone solved this issue? I am running into the same problem with UE 4.17.2 and 4.18.1… I am going to attempt to replicate the issue with 4.16.3 now.
December 8, 2017, 4:41am
Yeah i had it solved after trails. the bundle ID needs to have a real website domain.
so “co.ashwin.****” is needed to be a registered domain. thats all was the issue.
and then just a restart.
Seriously? That’s strange… how do I register a domain like that?
December 11, 2017, 8:33am
In project settings switch your minimum OS to iOS 10, instead of 11 Beta.
December 12, 2017, 6:49pm
mine was set to iOS 11 beta and still gave me the error, but yeah i bought the domain and set the provisional certificate to that domain and it started working.
Also i am purely working on 4.17.2
Mine was set to iOS 8 as the minimum… I set it to iOS 10 and still running into this issue.
I am also trying to launch to my Iphone and it keeps failing.
my bundle id is ‘com…’
as Satra18 mentioned I bought ‘www…com’ domain for a year. Still I get the same error.
I am posting the error lines from the output log.
I am using Unreal Engine 4.17.2
I have an iPhone 7 with version 11.2.1
error lines:
LogPlayLevel: DeploymentServer: [DD] … Error: Failed to connect to bundle 'com…
LogPlayLevel: env: 2 DTDeviceKitBase 0x0000000110943441 -[DTDKMobileDeviceToken mountDeveloperDiskImage:withError:] + 782
LogPlayLevel: env: 3 DTDeviceKitBase 0x0000000110943cf8 -[DTDKMobileDeviceToken mountDeveloperDiskImageWithError:] + 488
LogPlayLevel: env: 2 DTDeviceKitBase 0x0000000110943441 -[DTDKMobileDeviceToken mountDeveloperDiskImage:withError:] + 782
LogPlayLevel: env: 3 DTDeviceKitBase 0x0000000110943cf8 -[DTDKMobileDeviceToken mountDeveloperDiskImageWithError:] + 488
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.AutomationException: CodeSign Failed
LogPlayLevel: RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Failed to Code Sign
Also I’m including a screenshot of my iOS Settings.
Please help me.
Edit 1: I tried using ’ com…test ’ for the bundle identifier
Still getting the same error.
January 4, 2018, 1:52am
Have you added your app on Apple Developer Portal and on Xcode?
Hi ,
Thanks for your reply.
I’m trying to launch it directly from UE4 to my iPhone. It was working fine before.
However now I get these errors,
I don’t include any non-default plugins. It is just an empty project.
Lines with Errors:
LogCook: Display: Cooking /Engine/EditorResources/LightIcons/S_LightError -> /Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/empty418/Saved/EditorCooked/IOS/Engine/Content/EditorResources/LightIcons/S_LightError.uasset
LogSavePackage: Async saving from memory to ‘/Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/empty418/Saved/EditorCooked/IOS/Engine/Content/EditorResources/LightIcons/S_LightError.uasset’
LogSavePackage: Display: Finished SavePackage /Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/empty418/Saved/EditorCooked/IOS/Engine/Content/EditorResources/LightIcons/S_LightError.uasset
LogPlayLevel: /Users//Documents/Unreal Projects/empty418/Binaries/IOS/Payload/ unknown error -1=ffffffffffffffff
LogPlayLevel: ERROR: CodeSign Failed
LogPlayLevel: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=32 (Error_FailedToCodeSign)
LogPlayLevel: RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
PackagingResults: Error: Launch failed! Failed to Code Sign
December 6, 2019, 2:37pm
This is really old but I was having the same issue. In the bundle identifier I used [PROJECT_NAME] it never worked till I scrolled down to the Build section in Project Settings and checked Automatic Signing, then under that in the IOS Team ID I Logged in to Apple’s Developer Center, clicked on Account, Then Membership. Under Membership Information, I copied the Team ID and pasted that into the IOS Team ID field. Then it Deployed. Hope that helps someone